Menthol Rapé

Mint Rapé from the Kuntanawa tribe is a carefully crafted blend that incorporates mint, an aromatic plant known for its freshness and revitalizing properties.

This variety contains Tsunu ash, Sabiá Mapacho and mint leaves. It is a fresh and delicate variety, which brings clarity, connection and balances emotions and energy channels.

The process of making Mint Rapé follows rituals passed down from generation to generation by members of the Kuntanawa tribe. Carefully collected mint leaves are combined with other medicinal plants and local Mapacho.

Mint Rapé is distinguished by its explosion of freshness and soft texture. The Kuntanawa consider this variety as the ideal tool to cleanse the mind and spirit. Mint, with its revitalizing properties, symbolizes the freshness of life and spiritual renewal, fundamental elements in the tribe’s worldview.

Mint, belonging to the genus Mentha, is a perennial herbaceous plant characterized by its fragrant leaves and distinctive minty aroma. Various species of mint are found in the Amazon region, each with its own variations in flavor and aroma.

Amazonian tribes have integrated mint into their daily practices and rituals:

Mint’s medicinal properties, such as its ability to relieve stomach upsets and respiratory problems, make it a popular choice in traditional medicine among Amazonian tribes. It is used in infusions and ointments to treat various ailments.

Peppermint also plays a role in spiritual ceremonies, where its freshness is considered purifying. Some tribes use mint infusions as part of cleansing rituals and connection with the spiritual world.

In everyday life, Amazonian tribes have adopted mint as a culinary component. Its use in infusions, foods and medicinal preparations highlights its versatility and constant presence in daily culture.

-Size: 10 ml bottles (8 to 9 grams).

-Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity.


Kuntanawa Tribe:

The worldview of the Kuntanawa tribe reflects a deep interconnection with nature and the spiritual realms that inhabit the Amazon rainforest. For the Kuntanawa, the jungle is not simply a physical environment, but a living entity populated by spirits, deities and sacred energies.

Each plant, animal and natural element is perceived as part of a divine whole that influences the daily life and ritual practices of the tribe. These rituals often involve the use of master plants such as Ayahuasca, which serve as portals to spiritual dimensions and communication with your ancestors.

The Kuntanawa language is also a cultural treasure, which the tribe strives to preserve. Through educational practices and the oral transmission of stories and songs, the Kuntanawa seek to ensure that future generations keep their language alive, unique and rich in nuances.

Regarding the life of the Kuntanawa, it is fundamentally communal. Everyday activities, from food preparation to spiritual ceremonies, are carried out in a spirit of collaboration and solidarity. The community is the core of its existence, where each member contributes to the well-being of the whole.

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