Nukini Onça

Nukini Onça Rapé, known as the Rapé of the Jaguar and the Warriors, is a unique creation carefully prepared by the Nukini tribe. The name “Onça” pinta translates to “Jaguar” in Portuguese, so this variety carries with it the essence of the jaguar, a powerful symbol in indigenous beliefs.

Contains Amazonian Mapacho, and a unique mixture of medicinal and sacred plants for the Nukini.

Rapé Nukini Onça is an earthy and warrior mixture, which evokes the strength and elegance of the jaguar, presenting a strong connection to the essence of the warrior and the spirit of the jaguar.



Nukini Onça is widely used in ritual ceremonies for connection with ancestral wisdom, invoking the strength of the jaguar. It is associated with spiritual elevation, introspection and the search for mental clarity, essential characteristics for warriors.

The Nukini consider this Rapé as a sacred tool that facilitates communication with their gods and spirits. Rapé Nukini Onça is a window to the beliefs and spiritual practices of the Nukini tribe.



The preparation of Rapé Nukini Onça follows traditional methods passed down from generation to generation. The care taken in the harvesting of the plants and the ancestral process of the Nukini provide the purity and authenticity of this variety that pays tribute to the jaguar.


Size: 10 ml bottles (Approximately 8gr.)

Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity.


The Nukini: Guardians of Sacred Medicine in the Amazon Rainforest

The Nukini are an ancient tribe that lives in the vast Amazon jungle, and has a rich medicinal and spiritual heritage. Their worldview, rooted in the deep connection with the jungle, is manifested through a sacred relationship with entheogenic plants, which form the very basis of their cultural and healing identity.

For the Nukini, the jungle is a vast temple of healing and wisdom. Their worldview is intertwined with the belief that each plant, each river, each being in the jungle has a unique and healing spirit. Nature is revealed as an open book of knowledge, where plants are the teachers and the jungle, the ancestral school.

The Nukini have integrated entheogens such as ayahuasca into their rituals, as keys to spiritual realms. Ayahuasca, known as "the vine of the soul," becomes a means for introspection, healing and communication with the spirits of the jungle.


Healing ceremonies among the Nukini are a testament to the deep integration of sacred plants into their daily lives. Ritual music, dance, and wisdom are key elements in channeling spiritual energy and facilitating physical and emotional healing.

Despite modern challenges and external pressure, the Nukini have persisted in preserving their medicinal traditions. Their commitment to healing, connection to the jungle, and respect for master plants demonstrate a unique resilience and the importance of preserving the medicinal legacy of their people.

In conclusion, the Nukini emerge as guardians of a sacred medicine, where the jungle is the sanctuary and the entheogenic plants are the keys to spiritual dimensions. Their worldview and medicinal practices reveal a deep understanding of the interconnection between humanity and nature, offering the world a lesson in respect, healing and spirituality rooted in the medicine of the Amazon rainforest.

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