Yawanawá Esperança

From the heart of the Amazon rainforest, the Yawanawá tribe gives us the sacred gift of Rapé Esperança, a symphony of medicinal herbs and ceremonial Mapacho.

Rapé Yawanawá Esperança, forged by the Yawanawá indigenous tribe in the depths of the Amazon, is presented as a ceremonial medicine that goes beyond the physical. This snuff, a sacred blend of Mapacho and native medicinal herbs, is grown with respect for the land and ancestral traditions, establishing a spiritual connection with the jungle.

The preparation process follows rituals passed down from generation to generation, honoring the wisdom of nature. Rapé Esperança acts as a bridge to spiritual dimensions, facilitating energetic cleansing.

Size: 10 ml bottles (Approximately 8gr.)

Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity.


The Yawanawá tribe

The Yawanawá tribe has an ancestral legacy that dates back to pre-Columbian times, and has left an indelible mark on the rich history of the Amazon. In 1914, the Yawanawá bravely resisted the incursions of colonizers and managed to preserve much of their territory, marking a milestone in their history of resistance. In the 1980s and 1990s, they faced new challenges with external pressure and land loss, but once again demonstrated their ability to adapt and preserve their unique culture.

The 2000s marked a cultural renaissance for the Yawanawá. In 2005, the tribe received official recognition from the Brazilian government, strengthening their land rights and providing a solid foundation for the preservation of their traditions. Through these historic events, the Yawanawá have demonstrated their resilience and determination to safeguard their cultural heritage, becoming an inspiring narrative of resistance and preservation in the heart of the Amazon.

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