Yawanawa Tsunu

This ceremonial Rapé masterfully crafted by the Yawanawá tribe is a living expression of their connection with nature and master plants.

Tsunu stands out for its earthy notes, with the distinctive aroma of Mapacho. The sensory experience is enriched with herbal spices that evoke the essence of the jungle. The Tsunu is a long and majestic tree, considered one of the most sacred of the Yawanawá people.



“Tsunu” fuses Mapacho with ceremonial herbs selected by the Yawanawá tribe. This unique blend captures the deep essence of tradition, providing an experience that goes beyond the physical to the spiritual.



Rapé Tsunu is a bridge between the user and the ancestral teachings of the Yawanawá tribe. Its properties seek to focus the mind, open spiritual doors and awaken consciousness, allowing a personal journey to the deepest part of oneself.

This Rapé is integrated into the rich spiritual tradition of the master plants of the Amazon. Its use is associated with moments of introspection, meditation and rituals that seek to align the individual with the ancestral wisdom and spirituality of the jungle.



The creation of “Tsunu” follows ancestral rituals passed down from generation to generation by the Yawanawá tribe. The harvest and preparation process is done with deep respect for the land and spiritual connection, prioritizing the authenticity and ceremonial potency of Rapé.


Size: 10 ml bottles (Approximately 8gr.)

Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity.


The Yawanawá: Guardians of the Jungle and Custodians of the Ancestral Tradition

Immersed in the Amazon, the Yawanawá are protectors of nature and bearers of deeply rooted ancestral customs. Their daily life and rituals reflect a harmonious coexistence with the land and the constant search for spiritual connection.


Rituals and Daily Customs:

The Yawanawá have woven a rich and diverse cultural fabric, reflected in their daily rituals and customs. From craft making to ceremonial dance, every everyday act is an expression of your unique identity. The community comes together in celebration and gratitude, strengthening ties between generations and cultivating a shared sense of purpose.


Entheogens and Ayahuasca:

Beyond Rapé, the Yawanawá tribe explores spiritual depths through the ritual use of entheogens, especially ayahuasca. This sacred brew awakens visions, guiding individuals through transcendental experiences that reveal cosmic knowledge. In these ceremonies, ayahuasca becomes a means for introspection, healing, and connection to the spiritual realms.


Life in Harmony with Nature:

The relationship of the Yawanawá with the jungle is a symphony in which each being, human or not, has a fundamental role. Their life in harmony with nature is manifested in reverence for natural cycles, the protection of species and the belief that each element has a unique spirit. This intimate connection guides their daily decisions, from farming to sustainable hunting.


Preservation of Tradition:

Despite modern challenges, the Yawanawá strive to preserve and pass on their traditions. In their ceremonies, the transmission of ancestral knowledge is vital to keeping the flame of Yawanawá identity alive. The crafts, stories and music are living witnesses of a rich heritage that they refuse to leave behind.



The Yawanawá stand as guardians of the jungle and bearers of a vibrant ancestral tradition. Their daily rituals, exploration of entheogens like ayahuasca, and living in harmony with nature create a cultural tapestry that unfolds in respect, gratitude, and a constant search for connection with the divine in their environment.

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