
Huni-Kuin Cacau Rapé is known as one of the strongest medicines of the Huni Kuin, prepared with Mapacho de rope, Mapacho Sabiá and ashes from the bark of sacred cacao trees. Mói is the gentler Mapacho of the two and has powerful energy for healing and spiritual cleansing.

To obtain this variety, the Huni Kuin carry out a meticulous sifting process, until they obtain an incredible, extra-fine and silky powder.

The cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao), in addition to being the source of one of the most appreciated delicacies in the world, is a cultural and sensory treasure for various Amazonian tribes, including the Huni Kuin, who consider it sacred.

It was widely used in ceremonies by the ancient Mayan civilization, who had very advanced knowledge about cocoa and the benefits it brings to health, which is why they considered the fruit as a gift from the gods. In fact, the active ingredient in Cocoa is theobromine, which translated from Greek means ‘Food of the Gods’.

-Size: 10 ml bottles (Approximately 8 grams.)

-Use: Ethnobotanical curiosity.


Huni Kuin Tribe

The arrival of European colonizers in the 18th century marked a turning point in the history of the Huni Kuin: The exploitation of resources and the introduction of new social structures significantly altered their traditional ways of life, challenging the harmony they maintained with their around.

In the modern era, the tribe has faced additional challenges, from deforestation to globalization. However, rather than succumb to these challenges, the Huni Kuin have sought to adapt without losing their rich cultural heritage.

In recent times, the tribe has intensified efforts to revitalize its language, oral traditions and ceremonial practices, as well as to transmit its ancestral knowledge to future generations.

Master plants occupy a central place in the ceremonial practices of the Huni Kuin, as they are considered spiritual allies and bearers of wisdom that guides the tribe to obtain clarity, healing and spiritual strengthening.

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